I've had a number of enquiries from people about hotel room availability at the event this weekend - there is a lot of room still available, so if you are teetering, get on the phone to them right
now to book your room. Then book your flight!
A fair number of people are saying "Why come over if I haven't got my car?' You don't
have to turn up with an installed empeg - for example,
edwin borrowed a car and came with his empeg loose in the footwell (just to show he owned one!) at the last meet, and from what I hear, he still enjoyed it!

You could always just turn up for the fun of it - bring your unit along anyway, as I am sure there are generous owners who will let you plug your unit into their sled while you're judging their installation
I am getting questions about the nearest airport; you should aim for
Schiphol, NL. There are direct express train connections to Amersfoort which are rapid and cheap, so if you just fancy flying in for the weekend, then why not?

If you need help, advice or information, just mail me. For the Dutch National Railways timetable planner, go to
here to work out the train you need to get to Amersfoort. It's fast and cheap, and I can collect people given some warning. Plan to get there early if possible.
The event is not just for propellor heads - wives and kids are welcome too; my kids had fun last year (look at the
event website to see Nath and William concentraing on colouring books and drawing naughty pictures of Roger's haircut). Merry (my wife) got into the spirit of things and helped a lot with the preparation,a dn this year she's set a particularly fiendish treasure hunt which everyone should enjoy. There's going to be a computer controlled embroidery machine on site to put you name, serial number and so forth onto your free event tee-shirts in your faceplate colour - maybe they would be interested in that? (Actually, I suspect most of the men will be impressed, since it uses an embedded ARM processor as well!)
In the end, it boils down to having a bit of fun. Derek drove from Germany last year, and our distance winner had driven over from Bedford UK
on the day just to turn up for a lark, through bad weather and ferries! True heroes - I still haven't heard if they're going to defend their distance title this time....
So come on - there's already people coming from Germany, Finland, Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium, England, Holland - why don't you add yourself to the list?
One of the few remaining Mk1 owners...