Another question for the assembled wisdom. My telephone/internet/cable provider does a deal where I pay a fixed amount (around £5) per month, and get free* landline calls. This used to save me a lot of money, since I'm on the phone much of the day.
However, their definition of free has changed over the years. It used to be unlimited time per call, then it was reduced to 2 hours per call, now it's 1 hour per call. After the time elapses, I start getting charged at about 4p per minute, which can add up pretty quickly to amounts I resent paying

I'm looking for a widget that can be connected to the phone socket, set for a specific time period, and alert me if the on-hook time exceeds this. I can then hang up and redial if necessary, avoiding further call charges. I can't seem to find such a device, although I would have thought the utility of it would make it something someone would manufacture.
Has anyone come across something that would perform this function? If not, I may have to design one.

*For a given definition of 'free', which changes regularly and unilaterally