I came to the conclusion a couple of years that I pretty much only like Islay whisky. I've been drinking whisky since my early twenties, but I hadn't realised until then that I only really liked the Islay ones.
I've been drinking Laphroaig as my main whisky for years now. Eryl and I did a circuit of the Highlands in this wee beastie back in 2007:

On the way I got to try out a wide selection of different whisky, thanks to the fact Eryl doesn't like whisky. At every bar the story would play out the same. I'd order a whisky. The barman/woman would ask if Eryl was having one as well. Eryl would say "no thanks, I don't like whisky".
The bar staff would then take it as a personal challenge to find a whisky that Eryl liked. They'd say, "try this one, lots of people who don't like whisky like this one" and pour her a whisky.
She'd take one small taste and say she didn't like it. They'd then try another whisky. Same response from Eryl. Repeat until bar staff are bored.
Meanwhile I'd be finishing up the measures Eryl had been given for free. Perfect

So I tasted a lot of different whisky, most of it non-Islay and most that didn't come close to Laphroaig, for my taste. I did however discover another Islay tipple along the way, I hadn't had any Bruchladdie before.
I doubt I'll ever forget that I had my first taste of the excellent Bruchladdie at the wonderfully remote (for the UK at least) Kylesku Hotel. What a spot: