Hi all-
Just like
last year, the ranch will be home to another summer campout.
I see that Rob is planning yet another
fantastic international empeg event for August as well. I'm sorry that I won't be able to attend!
Without further ado, here's your invitation to my little outing-
IT'S ON!!Saturday-Sunday August 15-16, 2009
The good news:
1. the road has been 'dozed this week, so it should be flat and wide with no rocks or shrubs to drive over. It'll be a bit dusty, though.
2. work is finished on the pergola-shade structure.
The bad news:
The Perseid Meteor Shower peaks mid-week (August 12-13) but on the weekend we'll have a slim crescent waning moon, so there might be a chance to see a bit of a star show in the skies at night.
Here's a nifty meteor rate estimator-
For the night of the 15th we should see a peak of about 16 meteors per hour (at 4am).
http://leonid.arc.nasa.gov/estimator.htmlLet's grill it up! Everyone's invited!
We'll start grilling food around 6pm. Marshmallows and Smores around the campfire to follow!
New for 2009-
March's 'Plinking Day' of gun-fun was such a hit that I've decided to have some target shooting on Saturday. Bring some ammo and targets (no glass, please), your ear and eye protection, and your favorite shootin' iron! Minors at the range must be accompanied by a parent. My brother, an NRA rated instructor, will be Range Marshal for the day.
The date is settled: Saturday, August 15th The gate will be open around 1pm. Just drive in!
People who want to visit just for Saturday's main event or can't overnight are certainly welcome to drop by for something to eat!
Where, you ask?
Why, at
Stew's Happy Place Ranch!The gate is located on the west side of Mines Road, about six miles from the Santa Clara County line (if you're headed south) and about 2 miles from the restaurant called 'The Junction' (if you're headed north). That's actually behind Mount Hamilton, which is east of San Jose.
The 'ranch' is over 100 acres of wild hills with fantastic views of the San Antonio Valley and Mount Hamilton. The only man-made things on it are a 3/4 mile long dirt road, a small redwood picnic deck with two picnic tables, and a 16ft. travel trailer. The pond will most likely be dried up, so no real 'plunge' option. The shooting range is down by the pond.
I'll bring up some 5gal. jugs of general purpose water.
I will bring up some chicken and corn on the cob. Please bring some food for yourself or to share. I can't ever get right how many people are coming- so be prepared.
I'll bring up the grills and charcoal.
The trailer has a functional bathroom for your convenience.
Scrambled eggs, corned beef hash, OJ and coffee are on the breakfast menu.
The country roads in any of three directions are FANTASTIC drives (be careful not to fall off the edge and 'go missing' or 'meet the wildlife').
Things to think about bringing:
camp chairs
dogs or kids
telescope or binoculars
camping gear - if you're gonna rough it
Here's a rough map of the location (
X marks the spot):

From the North: Livermore (Tesla Rd to Mines Rd)
*easiest* (even from San Jose!)
From the East: Patterson (I-5 to Del Puerto Canyon Rd)
Best option for So-Cal visitors!From the South Bay: San Jose (I-680-Alum Rock exit to Hwy 130 aka Mt. Hamilton Rd) not recommended
Location (specific):The gate on Mines Road is 6 miles from the Alameda/Santa Clara county line when headed south.
The gate is 2 miles from the restaurant known as 'The Junction' (at the junction of Mines Rd, Del Puerto Canyon Rd, and San Antonio Valley Rd) when headed north.
It is on the west side of Mines Rd half-way between the mile markers 21 and 22 (painted on roadway).
Easiest access is through Livermore- Mines Rd heading south (26 miles starting at base of Mines Rd from Tesla Rd). Approximate drive time on Mines Rd is slightly less than one hour. After the first 3.5 miles of Mines Road, be sure to turn left to stay on Mines road instead of going straight towards Del Valle Recreation Area.
Watch the mile markers increase as you leave Livermore. They get to '20' at the Santa Clara County line and then start backwards from about 28.Other access:California Central Valley- I5 exit Sperry Ave at Patterson, head west on Diablo Grande Parkway, then turn right onto Del Puerto Canyon Rd, then turning north (right) on Mines at the Junction (27 miles starting at I5).
San Jose- Hwy 132 (Mt Hamilton Rd) from Alum Rock up and over Mt. Hamilton, into San Antonio Valley, finally heading north on Mines Rd (40 miles starting at Alum Rock ~90minutes?).
The gate is a simple bent-tube farm gate, rusty-yellow/orange color. When headed south (as from Livermore) the gate is hidden by hillside until you have just reached it. Keep an eye on your odometer and drive slowly as you get nearer. One of the gateposts has a very small and hard to see sign that says "Brown".
37º 24' 54.52"
121º 29' 55.66"
Once through the gate, the meeting area is about 3/4 mile up the dirt drive.
Be careful to stay on the road- there are a couple of tricky (especially in the dark) turns.
Be especially careful of the wildlife you might encounter while driving on the county roads! There is a good population of deer and occasionally you'll meet with some cows, too.