Is there any way you can bodge a fan into the enclosure?
As you can see from the picture, it isn't really
in an enclosure. The drive is like a piece of toast in a toaster, with only the bottom third "enclosed", the rest of it sticks out in the air. That part that sticks out is what I am concerned about -- the top edge of it stays uncomfortably hot.
I've installed the
Active@ software that Bitt linked to to see what the actual temperature is, and it works a treat --
except for another problem I've encountered.
My computer sees the external drive just fine with a USB connection, but of course the Active@ software doesn't monitor USB drives. I have gotten the computer to see the external drive
one time with the SATA connection, after I figured out that (a) the USB cable has to be not connected, and (b) the computer has to be rebooted with the SATA cable connected and the drive powered up. (At that time I did not have the Active@ software installed.)
Since that time, I have not been able to obtain a SATA connection despite numerous attempts. Is there some sequence I have to follow, perhaps some arcane incantation I am supposed to chant, to make this connection?
Oh, wait - in the interest of not making myself sound like a complete idiot, I checked the back of my computer (
not a trivial task with my setup, it involves moving a 250 pound computer hutch containing another 60 pounds of computer/printer/scanner/monitor/speakers/stuff) away from the wall) and guess what I found dangling out of the back of the hutch? (You're way ahead of me, aren't you...

I'll disconnect the USB cable, reboot the computer, and see if an extra Terabyte of storage shows up in Windows Explorer. Meanwhile, I have set up my own highly sophisticated temperature monitoring system (Bah! Who needs fancy Active@ software when I have a meat thermometer and some Scotch tape!) and it is showing a lower temperature than I had feared, something around 110 degrees F or 43 degrees C., assuming that the needle travel is linear because the lowest temperature marked on the dial is 140.
To be continued...