I should thank whoever started the Chumby thing

As I posted, I got the N800 and started working on Maemo...
Eventually I got into
Mer as a way to make the OS as open as possible.
This lead to becoming build mentor for Mer and using the openSuse OBS to build the distro. (I like Suse - I'm a solid Debian user and Suse is rpm based - and yet their builder builds .debs ... very, very open and community-minded approach).
Mer mixes the open bits of Maemo with Ubuntu and runs it on 'other' devices as well as the Nokia ones. We've had interest from several Asian manufacturers and it's a great port for a handheld x86/ARM touch-based device. Greg KH was helping us when these manufacturers threw their kernel source at us at one point. Oh, and Nokia/Maemo/Mer is one reason TI just opened (some of) the 3D drivers for the older OMAP2 devices (N800/N810).
I lost my job early in the year and took a gamble on putting all my energy (about 6 months of 9am-midnight 7 days a week) into OSS things...
Anyhow, my Mer work took me onto some Maemo events including the Maemo 2009 Summit in Amsterdam where I got my developer N900
Finally it paid off and Nokia hired me indirectly to work on doing linuxy things on some internal projects.
So, thanks again for mentioning the Chumby

More on the Maemo openness - this really looks like the best open platform out there today.
IMHO Nokia really are trying to "do the right thing" wrt OSS and balance it with surviving in a commercial world.
It comes with root pretty much out of the box via a Nokia application - no hacking needed.
Nokia explicitly permit redistribution of the closed blobs - cf Android
There's even some really interesting (and still scary) DRM stuff happening...
The next device will have ARMs version of TPM - and we'll have a signed kernel.
The interesting thing is that the bootloader will still run an unsigned 'community' kernel. It just won't open the on-device DRM HW key.
I am extremely dubious about this since it seems to me that it may actually be a viable OSS DRM solution - but hey, lets see where it goes...