My Gmail is broken and doesn't seem to be leaving me any options to fix it.
It was working fine until SWMBO wanted me to send an email using her Gmail account (the attachment she wanted to send was on my machine, but she wanted the mail to originate from her).
When I attempted to log out of my account Gmail stopped working. At the bottom of the screen (in the taskbar) it says "Redirecting - Mozilla Firefox". At the bottom of the Gmail window (or what would be the Gmail window if it would open) on the left it says "Waiting for" and the blue progress bar on the right loops over and over, going about 2/3 of the way across and then starting over. To the right of the progress bar it says "" with a closed padlock icon.
I have done a power-off reboot, but that hasn't solved the problem.
That's as far as I can get. It probably isn't a Gmail problem but a Firefox problem. Hmmm... the fact that I can log into my Gmail account using Internet Explorer but not Firefox tends to support this supposition, doesn't it?
So, how do I fix Firefox so that it will see my Gmail account? Firefox seems to be working just fine for everything else.
Update: After opening Gmail with Internet Explorer and then exiting, Gmail is once again working with Firefox. Once again the bbs has come through with the solution, even if it was myself that provided it.

What do you suppose was causing the problem?