Great thread! I know what you mean when you say it's taken over. I'm saddened by how much less music I listen to (though I still listen to a lot on my Zune). It's funny, because I
never listened to talk radio, but now I listen to podcasts constantly. There's something to be said for niche programming.
I think we went through these a while ago, but let me post my current list. I'm going to post two lists, one for audio and one for video, because I consume them very differently. Audio is for in my car and doing housework. Video is for when I'm doing light stuff on the computer or for viewing on my home theater. Anyway, here I go (BTW, many will be doubles of yours):
This Week in Tech - agreed
This Week in Google - agreed again, and Gina Trapani is one of my favorite people in the tech world. She's awesome.
Tech News Today - agreed again, though Becky occasionally goes to broad for me. she's used to appealing to the average consumer on Good Morning America, and doesn't realize that everyone listening knows what they're talking about already and at least knows the tech behind it. And Sarah Lane gets on my nerves sometimes...
Buzz Out Loud - If Molly had left with Tom, I wouldn't listen to this show anymore. But she's there, so I stay

Daily Giz Wiz - I only check out specific episodes if they talk about a gadget that sounds fun or interesting - it's silly
net@night - often very interesting interviews with web personalities and technologists
Engadget - analysis of the week's gadget stories, often irreverent and a little silly, but I like the guys involved
NSFW - funny show, a weekly "game" played with rotating guests. Fun.
Film Sack - each week they discuss a different (usually cheesy) movie, almost always found on Netflix Streaming. very amusing
Security Now - I've only listened to one episode because I wanted to hear Steve Gibson's opinion on LastPass. he's incredibly knowledgeable
Bytejacker - indie and flash games - just started this one, hopefully I'll get plenty of ideas for the Time Wasters thread

Diggnation - still fun, even if their hearts don't seem in it anymore after five years. they're winding it down soon, too
Film Riot - hilarious show that also teaches you low budget film making
Food Mob - cooking show. some good recipes
Hak5 - hacking show, most of which goes way over my head
Kevin Pollak's Chat Show - imagine Inside the Actor's Studio but without all the BS and dumb questions. occasionally fascinating insights into the Hollywood business.
NPR Tiny Desk Concerts - in-studio concerts from a wide range of acts (from Phoenix to Weird Al). I don't like every band, but I download the ones I do like.
Penn Point - and I thought Penn was opinionated on Bull$hit! yikes! occasionally hard to take, but I watch it now and then.
Tekzilla - a little like the old Screen Savers. Plus, Veronica Belmont is adorable.
The Engadget Show - impressive live show, frequently with interesting, big-name guests. they've had Balmer and Rubinstein on stage with them.
The Totally Rad Show - one of my favorites, it's just three guys getting together to talk about movies, video games, and sometimes comics and TV. lots of fun, if you can stand Dan.