I've been searching for a little while and have some up with some close but not precisely what I'm after matched using Google. Seeing as a few people here are into 3D modeling perhaps someone knows some better places to search.
These don't have to be free - I don't mind paying a bit for them if I know they're going to be of sufficient quality. They also don't need to have any textures. But my search skills are obviously not working very well for this subject matter.
The models I'm looking for:
Porsche 959 1986 Paris-Dakar Rally version. This is a bit different than the normal 959, specifically in the nose (has a hump) and the rear doesn't seem as low.
Example from the real car:
http://www.flickriver.com/groups/porscheisrallying/pool/interesting/If you google image search you will see a lot of examples where the hood/nose look the same as the "production" car - I believe that is the 1984 version. The 1986 was also modeled by Tamiya in there 1/12 scale RC racer:
http://www.rcgrabbag.com/archives/tamiya-porsche-959-1986/Lamborghini Cheetah (1977/78 military prototype):
http://www.timpelen.com/?car=cheetahMeyers Manx-style Dune/Beach Buggy:
http://www.meyersmanx.com/kick-out.shtml and the Tamiya model (Sand Rover) here:
http://www.volksworld.com/news/blog/225574/tamiya-sand-rover-buggy.htmlThe ones on Google 3D warehouse seem a little rough/sharp in the wrong places.
Yes, it's an unusual combination of cars.

Thanks for any info/help.