Grumble grumble grumble

I just spent the last 8 hours figuring out (and fixing) why lame 3.89beta kept crashing (most notably when used with options like --r3mix etc which I was planning on trying out and evaluating for myself) ... Took me 3 hours to lay the link to the up2date session I did not so long ago where I got my gcc 2.95 upgraded (sjah right) to gcc 2.96 ... A version which is also in RH7.1 (I have RH7.0) ... Perhaps I save some people trouble by saying it (though it has been pointed out by others at great length) DO NOT USE gcc 2.96 ... On the plus side I decided to go to gcc 3.0 which admittedly is not yet stable either but it solved my problem with lame 3.89beta
Oh well,
Mk2 - Blue & Red - 080000431
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