Very interesting. I'll be interested in seeing how they go about this. In the past, I'd say the absolute worst aspect of Android was easily the music player. The design was just terrible. From what I've seen of the music player in Honeycomb, they've greatly improved things. Still, Google is not known for design.
Frankly, it's anyone's game at this point. Most people are agreeing that Apple is looking bad in that they bought Lala so long ago and are clearly going to be the last major player out of the gate with a cloud music service, but lets face it, they don't have anything to be afraid of and everyone is still going to use iTunes to buy music. Amazon has the selling point that music you buy there doesn't count against your total, and Google has the advantage of already being on Android phones, but Apple will win here whenever they decide to jump into the game.
Still, I'd probably switch from Amazon to Google for cloud music. Google costs a lot less, for starters. Check out the prices for Google's expanded storage prices for Picasa:
20 GB - $5/yr
80 GB - $20/yr
200 GB - $50/yr
400 GB - $100/yr
1 TB - $256/yr
2 TB - $512/yr
4 TB - $1024/yr
8 TB - $2048/yr
16 TB - $4096/yr
Amazon, on the other hand, is sticking to
$1/GB, so at 1TB you're paying four times what Google charges [*edit* oops, actually at all levels Google is 1/4 the cost of Amazon *edit*]. 1TB is also their maximum, as if you'd want to spend any more than that. Of course, I'm assuming that Google will be using the same prices as they do now, which I haven't heard.
I look forward to finding out more about it. Heck, Apple could still beat Google to the punch with a full release, since Google is only starting the testing phase, and it won't get to people like me, even in trial phase, until the Xoom and IO people have it

From what I've seen, the signup will be at, which is currently giving a 404...
[*2nd edit* I just saw the Engadget story that's rumoring that you'll be able to store 20K songs for free! That's pretty impressive if true, particularly if they don't discriminate on bitrate. That could be a wide variation in how much space that could take up... */edit*]
[*3rd edit* They just set up the invite system.
Here *edit*]