It should be possible to rustle up a custom shuffle that uses them. Of course, this is v2.0 functionality as well.
Of course! DUH! (Sound of Tony smacking his forehead.)
For those who don't understand what Roger just said...
The Release Formerly Known As 1.1 will have the ability to define your own shuffle modes.
Now, these modes aren't in a pretty UI-controlled box or anything. As I recall, they require editing the config.ini or some such. But if you're willing to do that, you can create your own custom shuffle modes. By default, you get modes like "Least recently played" or "Least often played", and you can add ones of your own.
Roger is saying that, if you wanted to, you could create a custom shuffle that weighted "Most recently synched" items to the top of the shuffle. This is, if I'm reading him correctly, present in the current 1.1^h^h^h 2.0 code.
This doesn't actually create an automatic "new stuff" playlist in Emplode, so it might not be what the original post was suggesting, but it would certainly be a cool way to use that variable.
Tony Fabris