Here's a short video I made of my watching/listening room - which I briefly discussed a couple of years ago while I was planning it. A lot of specifics are left out of the text intro in my blog on purpose, but I don't mind sharing them here.
There have been a number of threads over the past year, some over the past few weeks, that relate closely to what I've worked on for this room - remote controls, automation, multi-room audio, LED lighting, RGB LED lighting control, networking, VOIP, LCD/LED TV, etc. video is about 8MB, h.264-encoded m4v (mpeg4). I've added it to the page with a plain/standard video tag but I have no idea (yet) how it's working in all browsers. The page isn't linked from the rest of the site, and this is the only place I plan to post an external link.
This gave me a chance to play with some video editing which I hadn't touched in many years. Instead of going nuts with GoPro fisheye video I used a Canon P&S instead, which produced better/sharper quality video in any case, albeit not as wide angle.
On the top shelf and behind the glass cabinet doors I have LED strip lighting, RGB and white, controlled independently. The lamp above the TV is made from slightly machined aluminum bar stock and warm white LED strip. There are compact fluorescent recessed lights in the room, some of which are hidden by two long acoustic panels I've made and mounted to the ceiling. Then there are also high-voltage LED lights in pendants which are the ones I use most often. Everything with the exception of the CFLs can be controlled remotely. Actually, apart from the pendants, everything must be controlled remotely.

The panel around the TV has a bullet-style IR receiver built into it which I can use to override my control system with an original factory remote if I need to. Everything in the video except speakers, decorations on shelves, the four high-gloss cabinet doors and the two glass doors were designed, fabricated and installed (with some lifting help of course) by myself. That includes the leather ottoman, if anyone remembers the ottoman thread that Matt started, where I mentioned not finding anything suitable at retail.
Everything seems to have come out just about as close as one could possibly hope for when compared to the original designs in SketchUp.