When I first saw a preview for Looper, I figured it might be a fun popcorn movie if I was bored. Bruce Wllis and time travel had me interested, but I didn't expect much. As the release closed in, and some people saw it early at Fantastic Fest, great reviews started appearing. I ended up seeing it shortly after release, during my road trip.
And it's now in the running for me for one of the best movies I've seen this year. One of the big aspects I liked is that the trailers I saw hinted at the setting, but ultimately didn't give away much of the movie.
I'm curious about other people's thoughts on it. Make sure to use spoiler tags when needed, since the movie is still pretty new.
I may go see it again in the theater, due to a downloadable directors commentary track. Would be interesting to hear this alongside the movie while its still in general release. For those interested, it's available here:
http://loopermovie.tumblr.com/post/32950683762/our-in-theater-commentary-track-is-up-i-recorded. Only download and listen with a second viewing of the movie. It's not intended for the first viewing. And could be a rather smart ploy to raise ticket revenue...
Oh, and modern CGI is just getting weird at times. The new Tron featured younger Jeff Bridges, and now Looper tried to make Joseph Gordon-Levitt look like a younger Bruce Willis. I guess Hollywood actors can stop worrying about aging now.