Last year around this time, my band and I were part of a musical that our friend Molly Lewis wrote.
She put all of her musician friends in it, and wrote songs for them all to sing, each song written more or less in the style of the person she wrote it for. Then she got a hollywood screenwriter friend of hers to write the talky parts, and a professional comedian friend of hers to direct and narrate it.
The show is a parody of those 1970's Christmas specials that we all grew up with, except it's about Thanksgiving instead of Christmas. The cast is all geek-folk bands from the Pacific Northwest, plus a special appearance by MST3K's Kevin Murphy (who was super awesome to work with).
Then we did two showings at the swankiest dinner theater in Seattle, to full houses. Those performances got turned into an album, which is available in digital form now, and will be available in physical form shortly. I'm particularly proud to have been a part of this, because it's FSCKING HILARIOUS.
It's right here, if you're interested in checking it out: from my role as the guitarist in the house band, I have exactly one line in the whole thing. See if you can pick it out.

If any of you pick it up, I'd love to hear what you thought of it.