For a number of reasons surrounding very large water cooled lasers, I need one of
these. It's to replace a single-phase equivalent in a large refrigerated water cooler unit I rescued from a scrapyard and completely rebuild last year. I had to replace the pump with a near identical one I had, then get everything powder-coated, paint the innards having removed the rust, rewire it, etc, but it came up like new and saved me about £3000 on the cost of a new one!

However, it's almost
too good, the flow rate is ridiculous. For the 100W laser I'm currently using, it's fine, but I want to also be able to use it with a smaller unit and at the moment it's like plugging a coffee maker into Niagara Falls...
Not to mention it's quite loud as a result.
Altering the speed of a single phase motor is a right sod, and often almost impossible. Never cheap however you do it. On the other hand, changing the speed of a three phase motor is easy and I have a spare inverter lying around that would do the job nicely. Having hunted about for a drop in replacement for the fairly standard size pump that's in the unit, I settled on that specific on as being the cheapest, as well as the closest in size and flow rate.
This particular company is by far the least expensive place I can find to get it from, at about £62 at the moment. That's only 60% of the cost of the cheapest supplier I can find in the UK, and under a third of the price of most of them! I've tried contacting the company in Italy to find out if they'd ship to the UK, and if so how much it would be. They did finally respond saying, basically, 'Yes', which isn't entirely helpful. No indication of price, you note

Having created an account on their online shop, I tried to set the shipping destination to the UK but it's about the only European destination not offered... Possibly they've jumped the gun on Brexit?
I was wondering if anyone who spoke Italian might be able to contact them and talk to someone to find out a shipping price and relay it. Obviously, it might be so high it's cheaper to get the one off Ebay for a hundred quid, but hopefully it would be more reasonable. I know I can send something of that weight TO Italy for about ten pounds, so...
Anyone able to help?