I lost my wallet a couple of weeks ago, for the first time ever.
I've been hanging on, as I'm 90% sure it is in the house/car somewhere, although I haven't managed to find it (I last used it in Tesco two weeks ago and not at all since). I finally gave in and cancelled my card (only normally carry a single card nowadays) and ordered a new driving licence.
The new debit card came today and I went to remove the old one/add new one on my iPhone/Apple Watch. I was about to remove it, when I realised the new card number was already there on both devices.
Some times "it just works" just works

I must go and read up on whether the card would have worked on phone/watch in the period between cancelling the card and the new one arriving.
I've ordered my replacement fancy wallet, not cheap but they work so well if you carry a tiny handful of cards and rarely any cash.
https://www.tombihn.com/products/minimalist-wallets?variant=13762315223103Also, it is about time Tesco stopped their low authenticated contactless limit scam on non Tesco payment methods. It is basically the only place I ever have to use the physical card now (excepting getting cash out, which I think I could do with my phone, but only at some cash points).
The only other place I can remember using the actual card recently was the Skoda dealership. I could not convince the sales guy there that waving my watch over the reader was an appropriate way to pay a £24,000 bill