I guess I'm just shocked in general. I think I'm going to go to bed and cry myself to sleep.
Get ready to cry for a good long time them.

1.1/2.0 has been at the testers since the start of the year and if they would stop doing such a good job in finding bugs we would have had the software by now. But they continue to keep finding bugs, and delaying the schedule, and it goes on and on. You think they would mess up at least once and let a bug go by but NOOOOooo, they have to be all "technically minded" and "find all problems so users don't complain". Hogwash! Do like Microsoft does. Release a product half finished and let the users find the bugs.
The best we can do is be patience and know that the software will, eventually, come out one day. That is if Tony will let it out of his sights.