Although I could remind everyone that I was the first to mention this in the
General forum a few days ago, I won't.

My take on it?
This guy is no different than any other highschool/college kid with a pet project. He's just like someone who announces a new Quake TC without even having a modeler and coder lined up yet. He might complete the project, he might not, but it probably won't go too far in the long run. All in all, he's doing little more than drumming up publicity for the Mark 2, which will ship in quantity before he even gets a prototype built. (Note how he links Empeg on his home page. Perfect.)
I can recognize this sort of thing because I've done it: Announced a project on the internet that I haven't completed. My friend Tod and I made a (completed)
Quake TC and announced its sequel. But the sequel's been languishing for nearly two years and hasn't gotten done. Like I said, it takes one to know one.
But keep one thing in mind: Age has nothing to do with it. The fact that this kid's a junior in high school means nothing. Isn't Hugo pretty young?
Tony FabrisEmpeg #144