Much as I admire Richard's voladj, it is still not 'proper' dynamic compressor ('pumping' artifacts etc), and I think it is
necessary, occasiaonally even for classical content (Doug, don't try to rip my head off

). For example, when I drive on highway in my canvas-roof Twingo at 100mph (the fastest it will go, if winds are favourable), I have choice of either listening to some tachno or similar stuff with dynamic range of 2.5dB (some other guys are now going to rip my head off

), keeping my hand on volume control making me a human compressor, missing completely 2/3 of my music or exploding my speakers and/or eardrums. I just might be in the mood to hear
all of Dvorak's New World Symphony in the midst of such a din.
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green