Okay a while back I hacked up Frank's IR Trans a while back so I could allow for a "toggle button" which switches between two "pages" of codes. That is, instead of the typical empeg_ircodes file such as:
My empeg_ircodes looks like this:
The first column is the original code coming from your remote. The second and third columns are the two codes which the original can be translated to, depending on the state of your toggle flag. One of the remote buttons (hard coded in this patch for right now) switches between these two codes for all of your buttons. It's like a "CAPS LOCK" key for your remote.
I use a Pioneer CD-SR77, so those who have other remotes will have to edit the hard-coded value in the patch:
+static int irtrans_modifier = 0xAD520C;
The 0xAD520C would have to be changed to whatever code you want to be your "toggle" code. To inform you which state your toggle flag is in, two different beeps are emitted when the toggle button is received. This is necessary because you want to know which codes you're setting.
The reason I developed this is I wanted to find a method, however kludgy, to do searches with my Pioneer remote. With 11 buttons, I figured it could be done. So to do a search, I hit my search button (happens to be the SRC button on the remote) and then hit my toggle button. Then, each of my 10 remaining buttons is mapped to a digit. After typing in my search string with these buttons, I toggle back to normal codes and hit my "OK" button. It's a little tough to get used to but it works well for me, and keeps my hands on the wheel.
I don't know if anyone will find this useful.. Dearing asked for it so I spent a few minutes making it work with the 2.0b3 version of the patch. It's only been tested on a MkII, 2.0b3, and must be done after patching with Frank's IRTrans 2.0b3 patch. If you use this, let me know if it works for you.
43516-irtrans2.0b3-toggle.diff (219 downloads)