It's spot on. I've been using Linux since '92, so I could have done it without the FAQ, but when it agrees with what you intend to do you get that nice comfy feeling. As I was moving the contents from a 10 and a 18 GB disk to a new 30GB, keeping the content of a new 10G disk (from the MkII) and putting it into the MkI along with the original MkI disk (erased) the only snag I ran into was the fact that my download of the 2.0b-MkI-developer upgrade file was corrupted, giving me segfaults...
Had me worried for a little while

until I realized what the problem was...
Oh, and when copying from the 18GB disk I had to do it in two stages, as bash complained about to many arguments on the command line when trying to cp .../* So I did a cp .../1* first, followed by a cp .../[23456789abcdef]*
You might also want to mention in the FAQ that you will not get the same sort of speeds as when copying from disk to disk on a normal PC.
I (very) roughly estimated the speed of my copying to about 1.5-2MB/s. The copying was done on a MkI.