I've just tried this out, and reduced the length of my aerial by about 50% in length. BINGO!!! Instant, very definite improvement.
Of all the things I have tried to improve the radio reception, this is something that had just absolutely not occurred to me - reducing the received RF level. Congratulations, sir, on finding the answer

!!! I am now pulling in FM stations from Germany, and from
Belgium, for goodness' sakes!! [200km+??]
Hugo has also sneaked in a number of definite improvements to the tuner software - well done, it looks great, and works well. I have improved RDS text handling too; great stuff. I noticed that the number of decimal places in the station frequency has gone up to 2 - is this a sign that you are going to start tuning by 0.01 or 0.05 MHz increments?
What's the mysterious silent station at 96 MHz that comes in at 5 bars? Anything to do with Acorns?
Is there a set of release notes for the 8C version of the radio similar to John's notes for the equaliser, Hugo?
The unit still has the problem that it is unable to discriminate well between adjacent stations, and absolutely not between local and distant stations on similar frequencies. Given that the tuner module has got a control function for Local/Remote selection, how about a button assignment on the remote (and a small on-screen icon to indicate the mode) to select Local/Remote as desired? This would make for
vastly improved round-town usage. What about it, Hugo
