I was not running the Xtant back then... I put that in this summer (I have had the spare tire sub box about 1.5 years now). The link below shows what I did have back then (from my IASCA 99/00 log book).
Previous System
I tried to attach it... but I think it is too large (so the attachement link fails... don't know how to 'undo' an attachment to a post).
Going by the amp manufacturer specs, I had similar amounts of power going to the 10s I had in the past and 12 I have now... but it is hard to judge by manufacturer ratings.
I don't have any specific info on the CRX transfer function, but it does seem to yeild about 2-3 dB more sub SPL than the loudspeaker modeling programs predict using the 'typical car transfer function'. I have found that with a sub crossover point in the realm of 80 Hz usually works well. A little higher crossover point on the front woofer crossover point (90-100 Hz) seemed to helped flatten response in the crossover region. I have been able to get pretty good IASCA RTA scores in the past only using the amp gain controls and crossover points (which is why I no longer have the EQL). Usually, the anomlies I had were in the 1-3 kHz region.... probably an ugly combination of interior reflections, the physical separation between my mids/tweets, and the off axis response of the woofer. What I mean by the latter issue is that the woofer was crossed over at a relatively high 3 kHz (high for a 6.5" woofer that you are way off axis from, on the driver side anyway) and the tweeter was also crossed over at 3 kHz (kind of low for a small tweeter). Raising the crossover frequency had a pronounced impact on the perceived sound stage (for the worse) and made the RTA response worse (the region where these anomalies existed grew wider). I eventually wound up using a low 2 kHz crossover point (4th order) via the DEX-P1R which yeilded the best results (the tweeters had a fairly low resonant frequency).
I have not RTAed my car since I put in the 3 way components in the kickpanels/doors, but I hoping even this will be better now (If IASCA ever has a show in SoCal again, I'll find out

Anyway... with 10's on both sides, you should have some serious bass. I haven't dealt with Alpine subs... so I can't say too much about how they will sound in that size of an enclosure, etc. I have a friend with a CRX who built an enclosure similar to mine and used an Alpine sub. He was happy with the results, but I haven't seen him in person since and never had a chance to listen to it.
The Infinity components and amp should work out pretty good. Are you mounting the highs in the upper doors or maybe in the inner mirror trim panel? I have done the latter, and that worked out well (but tweeters need to be smalll in diameter if you still want to use the manual mirror adjustment - if you have manual mirrors, that is).
ABS box? I didn't have to deal with that as no US market CRXes got ABS..... but I have seen photos of that box you are talking about.