The empeg doesn't have folders - all tunes are dumped in a pile (renamed to stuff like 10ab0) and another file containing the ID3tags is also created for each tune. That one is named the same as the tune but with a 1 at the end instead of 0 - the "tag" file for the example file mentioned above would be 10ab1.
When you drag and drop a folder from the Explorer into emplode (probably to the root node) that gets converted on the fly to a playlist, the files gets dumped into the big pile, but their new IDs (10ab0 etc) will get added to that playlist. Tag files will also be created, data is taken, in order of preference, from ID3v2, ID3v1, filename. When/if you edit the tags in emplode you will not change the actual ID3 tags in the *0 mp3 files, only the data that is stored in the tag file (*1).
If you put new files into the folder on the PC, you could drag-and-drop only those new files into the 'singles' playlist on the empeg (which looks like a folder in emplode, but isn't). In the 2.0bX software you can drag-and-drop the folder in exactly the same way you did the first time and files already existing on the player (supposing you haven't changed them in any way) will not get uploaded another time. Works for multilevel hierarchies too...
If you create for instance Mood playlists, your tune you put in the Singles playlist can also be put in the corresponding Mood, say Agressive, list by dragging (or copy / insert) a copy from the Singles list to the Agressive list. Don't drag from the Explorer to the Agressive list - that would upload another copy of the mp3 file, wasting space.