I like the new behaviour of "toggle info" (long press of Down) in 2.0b7 in player mode - that does what I usually want (except that if I cycle using the remote, I end up going between Now & Next and Transient - maybe it should only remember Info modes chosen through the menu, but that would be bad for people (Sony stalk owners, I think) with a "Previous Info" function).
However, in Tuner mode, it doesn't DTRT. If I start with Radio info, toggling gets me (correctly) to Transient, which was what I was using at the last power-down. Toggling again takes me to Off (no info) which isn't what I want, but it's at least consistent with 2.0b3. The real brokenness happens when I toggle again - Info stays Off. This is bad.
Ideally, I'd like Info to behave as it does in MP3 mode - always toggle between the full-screen info (Radio) and one that shows visuals (Off, Line, or Transient), using the MRU of each group
I have a related wishlist, but I'll take that to the Proper Place for it
