I'm starting this new thread to continue on the
Sync failure stage 3 with error 0x900703e4 , which is starting to get too big to comfortably load.
Reason for renaming it
Memory Error is the memory behavior that I recorded using the MemTurbo utility that Toni recommended. After loading MemTurbo, (you'll appreciate this Tomi

), I ripped Rink Floyd's 'The Wall' (26 tracks; some 80 or so MB); started emplode; set up new playlists for it (nested); copied the MP3s; and started the sync. Played around with Netscape during the synch to make it fall over.
1) Unused memory decreased from the very beginning
2) It did crash! only 5 MP3s were transferred (ended up in unattached) no playlists were updated, as usual.
Restarted emplode; set up the same playlist (although in a different location); copied the MP3s again and synched anew, no other significant processing going on this time (but with all my usual stuff loaded). This time memory usage remained stable throughout what seemed the entire MP3 upload process. Only during the final phase of synching (database/playlist update??), unused memory started to decrease, but not dramatically (some 19MB left) and the synch completed OK.
I believe that there is something in W98 (other processes??) and/ or emplode (updating playlist structure??) that causes memory problems.
(In answer to Rob Schofiels comments on diskspace in empeg)
I left the 5 MP3s in 'unattached' before the second synch. Emplode noticed this (I hadn't) and refused to accept the last two 'Wall' tracks copied into its playlist for reason of disk space. Based on this, emplode seems to handle the disk space reservation OK. Only after the successful synch, I emptied 'unattached' and moved the missing two tracks over. Did a lot of playlist tag maintenance thereafter (separate synch session, without uploads), without any crash. Memory usage was (fairly) stable too, with emplode reporting 21MB disk space left on empeg.
If it is indeed any kind of memory error, MemTurbo seems not able preventing it.
# 00120