What's your opinion of a/d/s/ versus mb quart?
MB Quart is awesome. However... MB Quart is now owned by Rockford Fosgate and production has been moved to Arizona. Rockford Fosgate has never been known for audio quality (audio
quantity has been their forte) and I don't expect this attitude to change. They will market MB Quart for all it's worth until people catch on that it isn't the same product that it used to be, and then MB Quart will fade away.
That said, the owner of the stereo shop that does my work went to the consumer electronics show in Las Vegas and spent enough time with a/d/s to decide to pick up the distributorship for Alaska, and he claims that a/d/s is the best he ever heard. Take this for what it's worth -- he is not exactly unbiased, and his idea of a great in-car stereo system is anything that can produce more than 150 decibels.

(His 40,000 watt dually truck has hit 169.6 in competition) [soapbox] Please note that it is a
dually truck, not a duelly, or a duly or any of the other hideous mis-spellings that people use. The derivation of the word comes from the fact that it is a dual-wheel rear axle truck, thus dually. [/soapbox]
I will let you know how my a/d/s system works out.