I couldn't stay away too long

Still no jEmplode auto-update -- I think I'll get that in for 34.
33 jEmplode - treeNodeModified refreshes the table model (just in case)
33 jEmplode - reorder up/down changes sort order to "by position"
33 jEmplode - if sort column is hidden, default to natural order ("by position")
33 jEmplode - VersionTrackerIfc
33 jEmplode - HijackVersionTracker
33 jEmplode - Hijack Login/Password fields added to Tools... Options
33 jEmplode - Optionally disable fast connections in Tools... Options
33 jEmplode - Deep copy of playlists (via Edit...Deep Paste or Ctrl-Shift-V)
33 jEmplode - I think Ctrl-V works again in Text Fields
33 jEmplode - Optionally display Successfully imported files in Import Results dialog
33 jEmplode - Tools... Options... Only Show Failed Imports
33 jEmplode - Escape in OK/Cancel dialogs = Cancel
33 jEmplode - Fixed problem with refreshing soup views after editing nodes in the soup
33 jEmplode - Tools... Options... Prompt Before Autoupdate
I don't have FTP passwords setup on my Hijack, so someone who does let me know if that FTP login/password actually works ...