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#84246 - 29/03/2002 19:49 Good God what did i Do?

Registered: 18/02/2002
Posts: 658
so my friend came down to visit from school with his 80 gig hard drive full of MP3's. I sit down if front of Emplode and start loading up. Now he has his mp3's very organized.
Artist, then albums, and in each album (folder), is a winamp playlist file as well. So when i dragged the folders into Emplode, i deleted the playlist file, cause it looked like it was writing the songs twice. Anyways, it all looked perfectly legit to me. I finally had everything loaded and let the 6 gigs worth of songs upload over night. When i looked at my song list today, i noticed that it had copied multiples of each song. Most songs it had made two copies of, and i know that they wern't just links to the song location, it was actually taking up memory because as i deleted them, i gained memory. So i went down this incredibly long list of songs, deleting what i thought were duplicates, and they were. NOW, my playlists are all messed up, the songs are somewhere in the EMpeg, but not in the playlists, i don't understand at all. In Emplode, when i go to "Song list" vew, it shows about 3500 songs, but on the Empeg itself, when i play the entire catalogue, it only shows up with about 1800 songs. However, i can search for a song that doesn't show up in the playlist, and it'll be there. THIS IS VERY WIERD. I'm sorry guys if this is confusing as all hell, but i have no clue where all these songs are. I looked in Unattached Items.

thanks for any help, but i'm sure this is really confusing.

#84247 - 29/03/2002 20:21 Re: Good God what did i Do? [Re: visuvius]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 20/12/1999
Posts: 31593
Loc: Seattle, WA
It is possible to have songs that are on the player, but are not in a playlist. They are in the Soup. Please read this FAQ entry here.

To locate items that are in the soup but are not in playlists, do an advanced search on refs=0.
Tony Fabris

#84248 - 29/03/2002 21:29 Re: Good God what did i Do? [Re: visuvius]
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 08/02/2002
Posts: 3411
So let me get this right.

You tried to copy 3500 songs from your friends hard drive.

Let's be generous and say 10 songs per album - that's 350 CDs worth...or about $4200 worth.

And we wonder why the music industry is doing everything it can to outlaw mp3s and any technology that could be used to create, store, play and transfer them.

Thanks for doing us all a favor. You're taking the piss.
Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962 sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.

#84249 - 29/03/2002 21:49 Re: Good God what did i Do? [Re: genixia]

Registered: 18/02/2002
Posts: 658
Oh God. Blow me.

are you telling me that ALL of yoump3's are straight from CD. Anyways, its perfectly fine with me that i'm STEALING songs, there i said it. They screw enough money out of people to keep going so i'm very morally content.

you SERIOUSLY think that mp3's will be nonexistent in the near future? get real man. take a guess man, what percentage of EMPEG users do you think download mp3's off of P2P networks? What percentage actually OWN their 6000+ song catalogues?

#84250 - 29/03/2002 21:50 Re: Good God what did i Do? [Re: tfabris]

Registered: 18/02/2002
Posts: 658
thank you tony.

#84251 - 29/03/2002 21:50 Re: Good God what did i Do? [Re: genixia]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 23/09/2000
Posts: 3608
Loc: Minnetonka, MN
thanks for posting that I'm glad some else cares


#84252 - 29/03/2002 22:00 Re: Good God what did i Do? [Re: visuvius]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 06/10/1999
Posts: 2591
Loc: Seattle, WA, U.S.A.
Oh God. Blow me.

This is an obvious troll.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.

#84253 - 29/03/2002 22:29 Re: Good God what did i Do? [Re: visuvius]
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 08/02/2002
Posts: 3411

Oh God. Blow me.

Sorry, but I care about my oral hygiene.

are you telling me that ALL of yoump3's are straight from CD.

Better than 99%. Yes, there are some people in this world that have both mp3s and ethics. That's why my empeg still has 48GB free space on it.

Anyways, its perfectly fine with me that i'm STEALING songs, there i said it.

Well, you'd better hope that there isn't any kind of afterlife then. You're screwed if there is. By the way, you're not stealing songs. Yet. You are engaged in copyright infringement, which is a different crime altogether, but due to actions of people like yourself, the music industry is lobbying very hard to ensure that what rights we do have to make mp3s of CDs that we have paid for are taken away from us.

They screw enough money out of people to keep going so i'm very morally content.

Yes, they do. People like me have to pay for people like you. That means I don't give a [censored] about how morally content you are.

you SERIOUSLY think that mp3's will be nonexistent in the near future? get real man. take a guess man, what percentage of EMPEG users do you think download mp3's off of P2P networks? What percentage actually OWN their 6000+ song catalogues?

I wouldn't care to second-guess everybody here. But at least most people have the decency to not shout about their infringements loudly and publicy in the one and only support forum that we have for the unit.

Oh and please stop using words you don't understand.
Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962 sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.

#84254 - 29/03/2002 23:13 Re: Good God what did i Do? [Re: visuvius]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 23/09/2000
Posts: 3608
Loc: Minnetonka, MN
no the 2500 songs on mine are not from cd's some of them are legally downloaded from emusic which I pay 10 dollars a month to or from artists websites who chose to make some or all of their songs available.

is it ok to go to the store and steal the cd's why is illegally downloading them any different.


#84255 - 30/03/2002 00:01 Re: Good God what did i Do? [Re: genixia]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 05/01/2001
Posts: 4903
Loc: Detroit, MI USA
On most of the net - you are probably right. But the reason that most of us were willing to pay $1200+ for an in-car mp3 player is because we are mostly both music lovers and technology lovers. Most music lovers who are willing to invest that much have a considerable mp3 collection. I have 600+ CD's and over 99% of all my 9800+ mp3's on my 60gb player are from there. I have also got some off of Interestingly enough, most of the songs I got from Napster back in the day were songs that I owned on CD but wanted to hear on my computer (there weren't many easy to use rippers at the time). Hell, I even own import versions of CD's that I have on domestic release - just to support artists I like.

Like I said, on most of the net you will find a majority of people who pirate music. And those people, like you, will rationalize all day about how it is okay. But that is the exception here. Also, do a search or something - you will find this topic has come up over and over. (There may also be some tips on how to upload songs). One of the empeg team's first hurdles was all the legal [censored] associated with mp3 - and because of that, many old time members were sensitive to that and made the empeg a non-pirating tool.
Brad B.

#84256 - 30/03/2002 01:52 Re: Good God what did i Do? [Re: genixia]

Registered: 15/01/2002
Posts: 55
Loc: Kansas
actually what he did was completely protected in the "Fair use act" it states that you are more than free to make copies of your albums that you bought for friends. Yes that definition of the fair use act is stretched just a little bit over P2P networks or FTP servers, but in that one particular case it used to be legal, until new freedom ripping laws were put into act.

soapbox/high horse whatever you want to call it I'm off of it now If it's an artist I like then I will always buy the album, but for the "flavour of the month" bands, I'll download, because they have no talent to justify me spending my money on them, they only have the recording industry paying tons of money to hype them and shove them down everyones throat. crap, ok this time I'm seriously off my high horse

Empeg 50gig MkIIa (stolen :'(, my baby) In an Impreza 2.5 RS-T -also (new additions to the family)- Empeg 10gig MkIIa Empeg 50gig MkIIa

#84257 - 30/03/2002 03:10 Re: Good God what did i Do? [Re: SE_Sport_Driver]
old hand

Registered: 31/12/2001
Posts: 1109
Loc: Petaluma, CA
i have over 2000+ cds in mp3 format, yes of music that i dont own, but if its an artist that i like alot, or listen to there album regually, I will buy it. i own 350 cds of real copys, half of which are still shrink wraped just becuase they are on my empeg. I use mp3 more of a try before you buy sort of thing.
---- Justin Larsen

#84258 - 30/03/2002 09:02 Re: piracy and the music industry [Re: tfabris]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 15/08/2000
Posts: 4859
Loc: New Jersey, USA

I don't suppose you could move this thread to "off topic"? I am all for a "spirited debate" about music piracy, but is this the right place...

As to the debate:

For the record, of the 100GB of music currently loaded on the empeg, there is 1 song (Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance) that is downloaded from a radio station's web site. The rest I (or my brother, who has a small corner of the empeg for his use) own the CD for, or have converted from older media (cassette or vinyl to CD, then encoded). Granted, some of those CDs are imported bootleg concerts (released from an Italian label where that kind of thing seems to be legal), but they are the exception and were still legally purchased, even though the band does not see any profit from it. (This is where I think the music industry should be targeting...)

I personally don't care if you want to download music over the net. If you are comfortable with that kind of thing, and the quality of the audio is acceptable, fine. People have been trading music from the days of reel-to-reel and cassettes. This is just another media.

I personally don't care if you have physical, legal copies of everything you have ripped. I personally agree with you. If you enjoy the music enough to have a copy to listen to over and over, you should own a copy for yourself. Sometimes, though, that is not possible; especially for something out of print, very hard to find or an import that is almost impossible to get through normal means. (I have literally spent months searching for some of the more obscure bits of my collection.)

Piracy has always been around as long as the mechanism for copying has been around. The ethics of it are left up to the reader to find their own ground with. My complaint is with the music industry, hiding behind "rights of the artist", trying to tax or eliminate the ability to use the recording under "fair use". Case and point, copy protected CDs that I cannot listen to / encode. If I thought they were actually protecting the artists' rights, I would agree. Send me the address for a privately managed fund for these artists, and I will send a donation.

Okay. Enough ranting. Hopefully I have annoyed people on both sides of the issue. I like to be symmetrical about that kind of thing... : )
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs

#84259 - 30/03/2002 09:46 Re: piracy and the music industry [Re: pgrzelak]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 20/12/1999
Posts: 31593
Loc: Seattle, WA
I don't suppose you could move this thread to "off topic"? I am all for a "spirited debate" about music piracy, but is this the right place...

I think it's fine in General. Discussions of MP3 legality are on-topic for the car player as far as I'm concerned.

And it seems to have settled down a bit. Got into flame territory for a while, but seems to have cooled off. If it does erupt into a big flame war, I'll just close the thread without moving it.
Tony Fabris
