I removed the oscillator from the board and connected the 11.2896 MHz output from the Empeg board to the OMCK input on the transmitter chip. That did the trick. I got the board to output digital audio, but the sound keeps cutting out. My DAT switches from playing the output from the board to brief moments of silence (about 1/3 of a second) during which time it displays "No Input." My external DAC continuously displays "D/A Valid," but still outputs dropouts in the sound. These dropouts have no apparent consistency as far as spacing between occurances. My thinking is that perhaps there is some issue with the I2S output leads being too long. Would a buffer help? I haven't found any shorts in the circuit. I have attached the revised schematic that reflects the board as it is currently configured. Any suggestions?



94364-SPDIF_schematic_revision1.gif (87 downloads)

If you want it to break, buy Sony!