I am tottaly lost here. I am attempting to find a final solution for my move off my college's web servers.
At one point I was nice and comfy on my college server. I even had a simple message board which didn't have seperate forums, but was free.
Then you jerks here introduced me to the Gallery software. DAMN YOU!

Obviously, a school is going to be paranoid about what's going on on their servers, and telnet and permission changing was not in the cards. Then the message board went down inexplicably.
So I want to move off. I tried hosting from Infopop (trust me, I know it's a bad idea now). They offer a free UBB.x message board with the hosting service, which wasn't too costly compared to other plans offering the same stuff. However, they were equally paranoid and I couldn't use Gallery with it. That sucks.
So now I'm left looking for another host. Here is what I require:
-A good amount of space. at
least 100MB
-good bandwidth
-PHP4 (and if possible, make sure it isn't in safe mode)
-FTP, Telnet and SSH logins (all 3)
-a database (preferably mysql)
That's it. On the new host I'll probably be using phpbb, so I'm gathering I'll need a database. It appears using a mysql database will be the easiest. The problem is I know nothing about how to use the database.
Last time I asked this question everyone suggested [url=http://pair.com/pair/shared/]pair.com,[url]. Unfortunately, the first option that has a database built in costs $30 a month. That's a bit expensive.
I found what
appears to be a good option with a company with
WiserHosting.com. Tell me if that looks like a good option. The only downside (for me, at least, no offense to the Brits) is that it seems to be located in Great Britain. Would that slow the speed of connection for me in the US?
I'll take any other suggestions you might have. I really want to get this all sorted and up and running well.