During my drive upgrade, I was trying to copy the fids from my older 30gb drive to my newer one (in addition to adding a 48gb drive). Even though the boot up showed that both drives were detected, when I tried the cp command, it told me that the destination did not exist. Suspecting that the cable connection must be "just barely there" I pulled the power so I could tighten it up and retry. Once I did this, I realised that I had forgotten to ro and rom the drives. So, when I booted up, I was told to do a fsck. I tried this, but when I do, I get the attached junk during stage 5 for the freshly built disk...
I "control-C"'d out of it after about 4 hours. Then, when I tried to do the cp command again, after copying about 4 files, it tells me there there is no space left on the destination folder! WTF? I assumed that this had something to do with the disks not being fsck'd correctly so I tried to fsck them seperately. I was able to fix the drive that has my music on it, but the recently built drive does do anything except spit out that junk... even after re-applying the disk builder and player software...
Any suggestions? It sounds like I corrupted this disk somehow and disk builder doesn't do enough to wipe it clean?