Oh, and I would talk about Dreamweaver, but I'm pretty much only using Notepad, so I wouldn't be of much help

I love the "made with notepad" logos I see on some sites.

Before I'd heard of Dreamweaver, our company hired a trainer to come in and teach a bunch of us how to use it. We were supposed to spend several days in training, on-site in our own conference room. Since the product was from Macromedia, I figured that it was some kind of an interactive flash authoring tool. I sat down in the class and the trainer started explaining what Dreamweaver was.

I stopped him and said, "Wait- you mean that Dreamweaver is just an HTML editor?"


"It doesn't create animated interactive multimedia type stuff?"


"I'm in the wrong class, then. Sorry."

...and I walked out.

I've got no time for an editor that simply adds a layer of abstraction atop a language I already know.
Tony Fabris