Geez, disabusing sounds awfully harsh

I 'm just very cautious of using a serial port for any kind of precise timing.
The PPS signal from the GPS receiver is going to be good to ~1microsecond when you have a navigation solution with good geometry or when you are stationary at a known position with one or more satellites tracked and the receiver in the time-keeping mode. The delays through the serial port will be on the order of 1/baud seconds, plus some unknown and probably variable processing delays. All of this may well be good enough for your rally application as it could be well under 100 milliseconds.
I suspect that you can do well enough for your needs by using the NMEA data along with a calibration factor for all of the delays to set the Empeg clock periodically. I doubt you would need to set it more often than once a day at the first good fix after turn on. I suspect that we can come up with a proceedure for determining the calibration factor though it would be tricky to take into account various receivers and their different processing contributions along with their variations in NMEA sentence outputs.