Hmm, possibly, right now I'm routing from the destination back to our current position, considering extending the best 8 routes out of a set of 32. Ofcourse here it depends on what the scoring criteria are. But it is doing a pretty exhaustive search
It sometimes has a problem converging, especially when several routes 'bump' into each other, and looking at the speed, my guess is that most routing application probably use a more heuristical approach. Something more similar to find the quickest way between these two point over interstates, then from the found exits, do the same over highways, etc. and finish up by finding 'shortcuts'.
The current code will give at least entertaining route that although not obvious will eventually get you to where you're going

Right now everything is still python based mockups, so don't expect anything soon.
(Attached is a gnuplot dump of a routing 'attempt' in progress)