toggle the textual instruction
Long press the down button (something like 2-3 seconds), or do you mean disabling the popup route description?
Disabling the popup. But like the long down mode-switch, this is something that would need to be easily toggled. Perhaps a knob-press? I like the popups on the whole, and with well-spaced waypoints (such as interstate driving) they are great. But for city-driving with dense waypoints the popups are pretty much always there, and if you're driving south...
rotate the map
Guess I am too much of a boyscout. I like maps, always have, and probably always will. So I typically have a pretty good perception of where north is, and I can easily look at the small route on the empeg screen and match it up with an actual paper map.
Me too. As a scout leader, one of the first map skills that I used to teach my scouts was how to set a map, ie align map north with magnetic north (taking the magnetic deviation into account of course

) - so that they looked 'across' the map in the sme direction that were travelling in. But I digress.
I wonder if it is possible to integerise some of the math?
I can live without clock support - it's not often that my empeg goes un-powered long enough to lose it's time. I just figured that it's a pain to set it manually when it does, and since GPS can provide it.
(1 second accuracy would be fine - we're not going to get more accurate by hand. But I can use ntpdate when I sync/load routes instead. )
I thought of one other request; Can we get the elevation reported when co-ordinates are displayed?