A Yamaha RGX 721DG with Floyd Rose Trem. (the blue one)Sweet. Gotta have that whammy bar (I couldn't live without mine).
Why do you ask? Playing guitar, too?Yeah, I've got a pretty sweet stack built mostly around a Digitech GSP-2100 preamp/effects unit. The preamp has the dual-CPU option so I can have it seamlessly switch between two effects with no dropouts. It's all midi-controlled by a Ground Control pedalboard (or my computer if I'm sequencing). The guitar is an old Aria Pro II that I've had for almost 20 years, but I've modified it to perfection (including adding my own trem unit).
I also have a Roland PK-5 pedal synth controller so I can play the synth bass notes on all the Rush songs while I play the guitar.

I also play acoustic guitar and do filk song parodies, some of which are up at my web site.
Tony Fabris