Yep - I get this viewpoint from my parents, and some of my less technical siblings. Mum always used Macs, but then someone got her a new PC when one Mac finally died and now we need to visit and rebuild it every 6 months or so. And she installs nothing - just uses Word, Excel and Photoshop.
My kid brothers breaks their PCs regularly and need assistance.
MS products have finally become so crap (at stability and ease-of-use, before we get into the flamewar zone

) that I already have one brother onto Linux and Mum is tempted - not because she has geek tendencies, but because it is easier. She won't need to phone me up and be talked through regedt32. She won't need to reinstall drivers for the scanner/printer/camera. And she is quite happy to go to StarOffice because it does what she needs and doesn't bu
gger about with things.
Okay I'm very biased against MS, and I'm a Mac incompetent, but I'd still prefer a Mac to a Windows PC. Especially as MacOSX is one of the "good" OSes. As opposed to the moral evil that is the MS Borg.