I've had a PC since '97, before then I was using real computers, that's Acorns for the uninitiated

. I've only ever had my PC to fail to the point where I had to reset it once, and that was because of my WaveFinder. I will admit I've never used a mickey mouse, OS it's always been NT4 and in the last couple of years, 2K.
We were forced to use Mac's at school and I've f**king hated them ever since, they where expensive (initally black and white then later colour), slow and crash happy. Aldus pagemaker sucked ass, Computer Concepts Impression Publisher Plus for Acorn was miles better and much cheaper too. Once my Dad finally got round to buying a decent printer (ie. not a 9 pin dot-matrix) I could finally turn my back on the computers at school. Except for the occaisional, nothing better to do at lunchtime hack into their crap At Ease frontend. Sorry, but I would never buy a Mac, expensive pieces of 'fashionable' furniture. I like my computer to serve a useful purpose instead of looking 'cool'.