
Thanks! I may take you up on that offer. If it is what I think it is, I will be in touch via email.

Meanwhile, I was able to get some good shots. Even better - since the camera had a zoom, I was able to get a very telling photo... This was taken at a slight angle to the player, zoomed as close as I could get with an external spotlight on the header.

It looks as if the header pins were sitting on top of the layer of solder. Note especially the bottom two pins. There even seems to be a shadow or void beneath the header pins where it pulled away.

It is my imagination, or does something look amiss with that solder joint??? Additional photos (Tony, if you want different ones for the FAQ) are here: header photo : closer shot straight on :
you can see the header resting on top of the solder
: the above shot

Meanwhile, I am happily using my backup, so I am not in any hurry. Comments welcome.
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs