Rob is 100% correct. PCS != Cellular is what the hub-bub was about when it was introduced. GSM (and variants and all frequencies), TDMA and CDMA are all "PCS" technologies.

Most companies no longer use the term "PCS" because consumers don't really give a rat's ass. Sprint uses it to differentiate between the new all-digital service an traditional CEL. That might work in some markets I supose. And it might work to promote thei service above the competition's to an unsuspecting public, but I don't know anyone still advertising or selling traditional cellular service in the consumer space. Sprint has some creative commercials, but they're mostly hot air.

In Canada we're starting to see more GSM service finally. Rogers/ATT has started a GSM service and seems to be promoting it with all their new product introductions. Let's hope this means the end to their abysmal TDMA service. Next we can only hope for CDMA to go down the crapper.

GSM is also the standard in Europe and much of Asia. Different frequency than NA however. If you want to be "global" get a Tri-Mode phone that handles al the frequecies (900,1800,1900).

I need to replace my Nokia 8290 soon (dropped it two times too many in San Fran last month). No other manufacturer makes an interface to rival Nokia yet, IMO.

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