Hugo: Thanks for the clarification.
Henno: Told ya so. Neener neener.

Fvgestel: Something is screwy with the wiring. It's not as simple as the permanent/ignition wires being swapped. It could be more serious, like the installer hooked up the wires wrong, for instance swapping the headlight sense with the permanent 12v. (I'm not saying that's what he did, I'm just saying it could possibly be something serious
like that.)
Why do I think it's more serious? Because you said you verified the 12v permanent wire once before, and it suddenly quit working. True, odds are it's a blown fuse, but
something had to blow that fuse. The Empeg doesn't draw enough juice to blow your average radio fuse (At least I don't think it does). When you check the fuse, check how many amps it's rated for. Let us know what else you find.
Tony Fabris