Most of my scars are on my hands and arms. The perils of engineering, I guess.

The nail that went completely through my right foot when I was eight didn't leave a scar, but the glass tubing that shattered as I was pushing it through a rubber bung and slit my right index finger in a neat spiral from the end to the second knuckle did. I was about 10, and hadn't thought to put a little soap on the glass and wear gloves. It was pretty ugly, with a bit of bone sticking out the end of my finger.

The simulator that dropped on my arm when there was a hydraulics failure and gouged out maybe 2cc of flesh left a lovely scar, and I was pulling little bits of steel shavings out of it for months.

The only bike accident I can recall from my childhood stays in my mind because of the small bit of gravel still embedded in one knuckle, thirty years later. No scar, though. I heal fast, having had lots of practice

Experience is what you get just after it would have helped...