Plans for third party tools to gets the files off the empeg exist, and there are apparently a few pieces of software out there already that will help assist in doing this (albeit, they require you to know your way around Linux, or have some really good instructions).
For empeg's case, I personally think it is a wise move to leave getting the files off in the hands of third party developers. Not only does it get the RIAA off of their back, it also lets them use the development time for more important features that go into what the empeg car was primarily designed for... playing music.
If getting files off of your empeg is your only gripe with the player, at least have some patience and deal with some of the talented people that work with the player already. The ability to do it will come, just not from empeg. Give credit to the empeg car because it does very well what it was designed to do (or so I'm told

). Bi-directional file transfer is not a necessary design goal for a "player", so cut empeg some slack.