Well, the Euro Meet dates are fast approaching, and I still haven't found cheap plane tickets for that timeframe -- must be peak season or something. But, since my main carrier (Air Canada) is about to go bust, I figure maybe it's time to chew up some Aeroplan points instead of using a pure cash ticket.
So.. has anyone flown Luftansa First Class before? Any good? Air Canada does not have a First Class, just lousy service in a crowded business class cabin area.
Since I've never been to Europe before, I'm thinking of visiting more than just the immediate area of the meet. But I'll be there by myself, and my French is very rusty -- I have a hard enough time with what passes for English around here.
So.. here's the question: anyone want to meet up for a day or two along the way and do something (anything!) fun and interesting?
I'm bringing some of my photo gear (digital, of course), and my climbing harness and shoes, and a sleeping bag. And whatever else will fit into my backpack (probably dreaming here.. watch me show up with five suitcases!).
I'm hoping to perhaps meet up with a few of y'all along the way, and plan my air travel accordingly -- something I need to do Real Soon Now if I want tickets.