Whatever you do, don't buy a Goodman. We've got one in our server room and I hate it.

We spec'd a system whereby the server room was separately climate-controlled from the rest of the building, and this Goodman unit is a special in-wall system where the heat exchanger is on the roof and the freon gets pumped down to the wall unit.

The problem with the unit is that each time we have a power outage, it shuts off and stays off, even when the power comes back on. So if the power goes out on a weekend, I come in Monday to find my servers cooking.

I've had techs come in to work on the the thing to fix the problem multiple times, and they still have not fixed it. They've gotten it to work so that it at least starts up and recirculates the air after a power outage, but the heat exchanger on the roof still does not engage, so all it's doing is recirculating warm air.
Tony Fabris