Janitors aren't allowed to come into our data center at all. (several hundred servers, 4 air handlers, generators, etc) We have a guy who's knows a bit about electronics (and what not to touch) come in every couple of weeks as a part time job on the weekends to clean/dust the racks and floors. That might be something to consider. Then again, it does sound like a pretty small shop.
Right now in my apartment, I have my desk in my dining room, and my computers in the next room over (a little breakfast nook that's mostly used for storage - BIG aparment). No noise that way, but it gets warm in the summer so I have to open the door. I'm about to move into another apartment (running away from roommates), and plan on doing the same thing. But, I doubt I'll have a spare room like in this one, so I'm looking for a large closet next to my office area for the same purpose. I'm pretty worried about how I'm going a vent a closet with 2 or 3 computers in it.