Liebert is king, but there are other decent options for a small room. When you say you have the money, I don't want to guess at what kind of dough you are talking about. Also, how long do you plan to be there? How much can you invest (and maybe lose if you move?) Do you have access/rights to the roof?

In a similar situation some years ago (about 8 servers and some routers) we most definitely did *not* have the money, and we would have thrown in a cheap window unit except that the building was in a historical district and window mountings were a no-no.

We wound up using one of these Sanyos . It was great. Easy to use and quiet. They need to be plumbed/wired up to the roof, though. If you really have the money and a roof, I'd call a few HVAC contractors and have them cook up a proposal.

[edit: IIRC, I think that small Sanyo cost us about $4000 installed in 1993]

Edited by jimhogan (18/04/2003 11:46)

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.