I ever can find the money to buy her an Empeg, I’ll be setting up all of her playlists for her because (I fear) the process would be too “annoying.” Not that she couldn’t figure it out, but she simply wouldn’t see the benefits right away of going through the effort of dragging around and organizing her CD collection.

Yeah, see, I got some of this backlash. But there was gaping hole in the dash, and no CD player. So either she deals with the empeg, or the silence. Makes no difference to me, really.

She thought the TiVo was a horrible idea when I got it. Some friends of mine gave me flak when I picked on her for it when we were squabbling over recording something, because they said she'd come around to the technology, and wasn't she allowed to change her mind? Sure. So instead I filter anti-technology bias at a low level now.